♫Best of Twenty Eleven; A Review♫


We are in the first month of 2012. The year 2011 has end. So I decided to recall the best memories of the year. As it is one of the best years I had ever. So, here are the highlights of the year( from my prospectus).

 ✩in 2011✩

This year I faced many things, met a lot of people, and went through different circumstances. Here is the list of some of  best events of 2011.

✩all around me✩

I met so many people all around the WordPress world which are in fact uncountable. Among them some were just boring, some were stupid even some were cold and offensive too. But most of them were friendly and caring.

✩best post of the year of mine✩

Swat valley traditions

In fact this adventure image was the best one on my blog.

✩my favorite post✩

 Its getting cold here

✩Best theme✩

I did try different themes on my blog but the best one is

Best friend on wordpress


✩When i get started in 2011✩

It was more than four months ago when I started blogging. I was totally null in my acquaintance about wordpress . I could not even write an HTML link. And now I am able to answer some tiny questions of newbies. I’m here because of the help of some great people.

✩great people I met in 2011✩

And those great people are actually the volunteers. A few of them are
panos A warm genius

Timethief Most talkative but meaningful.

Tess Sympathetic and brave my best friend

And many others I can name a few like clever airodyssey,  Raincoaster , Jennifer,  Auxclass,  Richard.


Thanks wordpress and thanks every member of this community. We did matter for one another. Have a great resolutions for 2012.


This post is made on personal opinion and views, which are not necessarily true.

10 Comments on “♫Best of Twenty Eleven; A Review♫”

  1. raincoaster says:

    Thanks for the shout-out!

    This is a great end of year post. I should try one like this myself, if you don’t mind my stealing your headings!


  2. captnmike says:

    Thanks also for the shout-out –

    Glad we could help you get started – good luck with your blogging.


  3. iphonist1 says:

    Never mind!
    This article is not complete yet. I’ll add some more stuff in it. I’ll definitely wait for your post to compare that with my one.
    Will I be allowed to quote a few words from that one too?
    Regards Itspak


  4. iphonist1 says:

    Thanks captnmike (auxclass) for being here.
    I was able to see your comment quite late. I think you’re still stuck in spam filter.


  5. Tess says:

    Oh thank you!

    (I love your title— the musical note birds ≥^!^≤ )
    but you are making me blush…

    Happy 2012 and here’s to great blogging all year long!


  6. iphonist1 says:

    Thanks tess.
    Have a nice blogging year 2012 to you too.
    Why blush 🙂


  7. iphonist1 says:

    Sure. I’m going to send it again. In fact I’ll have to take it again.


  8. iphonist1 says:

    I’ve sent the Screenshot to you. Check your mail. I’m wondering why my previous mail didn’t send to you.


  9. […] ♫Best of Twenty Eleven; A Review♫ […]
